Dear Republican Voters You are NOT Patriots

Stop calling yourselves patriots, you are not patriots, patriots are those men and women who stand up to people like you, they are the cops that you attacked on January 6th, they are the National Guard soldiers who did their job to protect our congressional leaders despite your attack on police.

Stop calling yourselves patriots when you attack your neighbors because they do not believe as you do. Patriots are the men and women who serve this country who are Gay or Trans or a different ethnicity. YOU ARE NOT PATRIOTS you are American Home Grown Terrorist’s who side with NAZIS on American Soil.

Dear Republican Voters, You are not Patriots, you disrespect the American Flag every time you wear one as clothing flag etiquette and yet you are upset that the white house hung a pride flag equally with the American Flag showing that we are all equal. You are NOT Patriots, your home grown terrorist who march lock step in the streets of America with Nazis, in Ohio, in Florida and anywhere that members of our Drag and LGBTQIA communities gather.

They chant Sieg heil in the streets of America and you call yourselves patriots! Patriots were our grandfathers who stood in the face of Nazis in the streets of Germany, fighting so that we would never experience what the people of Europe faced. Yet here we are 2023 and Nazis are on the streets of America, screaming the rantings of a man who committed suicide because he was a coward and held no conviction of his cause, a tiny man who wanted to rule the world.

The irony that their are Nazis on the streets of America does not escape us, you would turn our home into 1940s Germany for a tiny handed tyrant who would sell our most protected secrets to his handlers back in Russia, a man who has never had a consequence in his life and has always been and always will be a con man nothing more.

Dear Republican Voters, Stop calling yourselves Patriots you are not patriots, our grandfathers were patriots, our fathers were patriots, and our husband, wives, sisters and brothers who have always served our country are patriots. You are not patriots, If you side with a man who in all likelihood sold our defense secrets our capabilities and our allies to his good friend Putin. It is ironic really our country being in this place after 250 years when it was built on a foundation of enslavement and blood. Is this how it ends for this great experiment in democracy? Are we doomed to repeat the mistakes of our German Allies because of our own hubris.

Opinion | Trump, Neo-Nazis and the Klan - The New York Times

This is you, this is you standing with the Nazis on the streets of America! These are the children and grandchildren of the Patriots who fought and died against Hitler and his SS monsters. These are your children Republican Voters, these are your children, the ones flying the swastika and the stars and bars on the streets of America.

We the American people do not forget the tragedies of the holocausts and the sacrifices of our Grandfathers who fought against the rising tide of Nationalism that is now happening on our own soil. Dear Republican voters we see you for what you are, the extremeist have control of your party. Stop calling yourselves patriots when you allow Nazis to Goose step on the streets of America. YOU ARE NOT PATRIOTS

No More By Elizabeth Angel

No more will I cry
No more tears shall I shed
For a relationship that is dead
I will not weep and beg for a chance
I will not fix what others have broken
No More will I cry
No more tears shall I shed
I will not take their pain into my head
I will not feel guilt for standing my ground
I will not be a punching bag for someone to tear me down.
No More will I cry
No more tears shall I shed!
My love and hope are now dead
All that remains is the sadness and
The pain of a failure that was not
Mine to own, blame is a game I shall
Not play,
No More will I cry
No more tears shall I shed

The Land before me!

I do not recognize this place I see, this home I have known for an eternity.

Each day that passes the chances to heal seem farther away and less real.

Is it because I dream now of what is real the lies told did not take hold.

I listen and I hear my brothers and sisters for the first time and I understand

that it was their cry that awakened me from this deep slumber of deniability.

I do not recognize this land I love as we move away from truth and facts

and I wonder if we are truly on our backs.

I see the flag that once held meaning to me for those I loved who fought overseas and

I see not the heroism and love that it meant only the blood that it shed

there is no path forward if we are all not there.

So I raise my voice for all to hear, We will not let them win with hate and fear, open our eyes

and we will see that our brothers and sisters are there standing besides us hand in hand

and we will together make this the land that is truly meant to be Free.

Men In Blue

I wrote this a while back for an officer that worked with my husband, today it seems a good day to revive it since we lost another officer today, Peace be with you and Blessed be on your journey home fallen hero!

Men in Blue By Elizabeth Angel
May 6, 2011 – 8:12 am

Shots echo off the walls the sirens scream as duty calls, a gun and a badge these are their tools, all that protects from the evil that would rule. A quick representation of glory and god and all is lost shot down it is so wrong.Beneath the pristine blue they wear is still a heart but no one cares.Crimson tide flows from them just like any other human, protecting and serving that is their call,they do it for their families they do it for us all. A life for a life they are willing to give so that one person afraid might still live.To protect and serve is the matto they swear each one of us they are willing to carry. Their rewards are few lousy pain and hard work when last call is read a flag and a book.They are remembered only when they fall another hero dies it is a loss for us all. They may not be blood family true but when one bleeds they all bleed blue. Remember them for the good that they do what they stand for me and for you,they do not achieve glory the way that some do but they are strong valiant and true.They are police officers the first line of defense the ones who do not straddle the fence, when justice is needed and help is required it is the Officer in the line of fire.For all that they are and for all that they do, remember them, they are the men in blue!

Queen of Hearts

Queen of Hearts!

the house of cards falls to the ground
the tumbling of the queen makes not a sound
the trumpets do no bellow out loud as the queen of hearts
tumbles down
the laughter and the tears the cards fall
remember the years when the queen stood tall
falling falling after nothing at all
the queen of hearts she tumbles down
laughing and laughing without a sound

the house of cards falls to the ground
the tumbling king makes not a sound
the trumpets do not bellow out loud as the king of hearts
tumbles down

there is no rise, there is no fall
there is only hope that for
tomorrow’s silent call
wake and see if you can
the dreams that carry you to Wonderland
there is no place where you can fall
as the Queen of hearts has broke all

The house of cards falls to the ground
the tumbling queen makes not a sound
the trumpets do no bellow out loud as the Queen of hearts
tumbles down

Tumbling spiraling out of control
falling through tears, falling very slow
tumbling tumbling tumbling down
the world spins slowly but there is no sound
the queen and king they fall through the air
landing on nothing as nothing is there

Queen of Hearts

Queen of Hearts!

the house of cards falls to the ground
the tumbling of the queen makes not a sound
the trumpets do no bellow out loud as the queen of hearts
tumbles down
the laughter and the tears the cards fall
remember the years when the queen stood tall
falling falling after nothing at all
the queen of hearts she tumbles down
laughing and laughing without a sound

the house of cards falls to the ground
the tumbling king makes not a sound
the trumpets do not bellow out loud as the king of hearts
tumbles down

there is no rise, there is no fall
there is only hope that for
tomorrow’s silent call
wake and see if you can
the dreams that carry you to Wonderland
there is no place where you can fall
as the Queen of hearts has broke all

The house of cards falls to the ground
the tumbling queen makes not a sound
the trumpets do no bellow out loud as the Queen of hearts
tumbles down

Tumbling spiraling out of control
falling through tears, falling very slow
tumbling tumbling tumbling down
the world spins slowly but there is no sound
the queen and king they fall through the air
landing on nothing as nothing is there

I am not a Communist!

My Daddy fought Communist in Vietnam, My Grandfather and Great Uncle Fought them in Germany, my husband fought them in Desert Storm. I am not a Communist, I am a fourth generation American whose family fought for this country just as hard as any American.

I am not a communist simply because I want the rich to pay their fair share. I am not a communist simply because I believe that No one has a right to tell another person what they can or can not do with their body. I am not a communist simply because I believe that everyone no matter what has the right to love and marry who they choose. I am not a communist simply because I believe that people of color are oppressed and should have the same protections under the law and that law enforcement is not perfect.

I am not a communist because I believe that children should be able to attend school without the threat of death every day. I am not a communist because I want to keep guns out of the hands of people who are unstable. I am not a communist because I believe as the richest Nation in the world, we should have Universal healthcare like the rest of the Industrialize world already has. I am not a communist because I believe that government should work for the people not the oligarchs of cooperate greed.

I am not a communist because I believe that as an American it is my responsibility to stand up when I see something wrong and help to make it right. I am not a communist simply because I believe that in order to reach the standard of all men are created equally, we must include women and people of color into our constitution. I am not a communist because I believe that just because you don’t like something does not mean that someone else must dislike it as well.

I am not a communist simply because I refuse to judge a person by the color of their skin instead of the content of the character. I am not a communist because I refuse to follow the crowd. I am not a communist simply because I am not blind to what our government does. I am not a communist because I vote for a Democrat. I am not a communist because I believe that we should earn a wage that allows us to have all that we need to live and thrive.

I am not a communist because I believe that children should not have to hide who they are because it makes us uncomfortable. I am not a communist because I do not believe in your God, or that you have a right to force your God on me. I am not a communist because I believe that religion or lack there of is a personal choice to be kept in the home not in our schools or government.

I am not a communist. I believe in the constitution, and I believe in the America my father, grandfathers and husband fought for. I am not a Communist I am an American and I will not lay down for the communist movement in our country, I will not cower behind my doors and hope that our government can stop them. I am not a communist I AM AN AMERICAN!

So simple, So Stupid

I could not have said better myself, but then that is what makes him one of the greatest human beings to live. I am so tired of hearing excuses as to why you won’t get the vaccine or why you won’t wear a mask or allow your children to wear a mask. Here are some hard truths for all you anti-vaxxers out there. We force our children to get vaccinated so they can attend school, we were forced to get vaccinated so we could attend school.

How many of you have a smallpox scar? I do because I was born in the last year that they gave the smallpox vaccine. Why do we not hear about smallpox break outs anymore? Because vaccines work!

We keep hearing so much misinformation it is a wonder we know what country we live in these days. But I have had about all I can take of the selfishness and the truly heart-breaking lack of empathy that I am seeing on a daily basis from people who should know better.

Arnold said something that I think most of America has forgotten, “ With Freedom comes Responsibility” what does that mean in this situation? It means that we are responsible for each other that we must as a society do everything in our power to mitigate the spread of a deadly disease that has mutated and is now targeting our children. You see something that we all seem to forget is that those children are our future.

How does wearing a mask violate your rights? I mean I seriously think people have gone around the deep end on this. We wear a mask, so we do not share our germs, we wear a mask so that we do not inhale other germs. It is like washing your hands you wash them so that you do not spread germs or get germs from others. It is that simple seriously.

You think that Donald Trump cares about you? If he did, he would never have played down the danger this disease posed to the American people. He would have done everything in his power to make sure that we did not loose 600 thousand Americans on his watch, he did none of that.

Do you honestly believe that some billionaire who has no degree in science or medicine knows better than all the scientist and doctors in the world? Really? Come on people, it is such a simple thing to put on a mask, to roll up your sleeve and get a shot. Yeah, he got Covid and yeah, he beat it because he has the best medical treatment that our tax dollars can buy and access to the vaccines well before they were released to the public.

Do you really believe that he didn’t take the vaccine? Seriously! Do you really believe that Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity or Laura Ingram didn’t get the vaccine? Come on people wake up, they are telling you what will keep you hooked on their rhetoric. And their kids attend schools who have mask mandates guaranteed just because they attend private schools which are not paid for by our tax dollars makes them exempt from the ban on mask mandates passed by these idiot governors.

We are supposed to be a country of ideas and the freedom to pursue those ideas, we are supposed to be the country that shines brightly and leads, we are supposed to be smarter than this and yet here we sit a year and half into a deadly pandemic, and we are fighting over a shot in the arm and wearing a mask to protect each other from this disease.

This is what it boils down too, if you want to get back to what ever normal is in this insane world we call America, then wear your mask, wash your hands, stay 6 feet apart and roll up your sleeve get vaccinated. It is that simple, if you care about your fellow man, woman, and child, that is what you do, that is what is required to return this country to the normalcy we all long for.

I am certain many of you will have comments for this, I have no desire to debate with anyone anymore, I have no desire to hear excuses or conspiracy theories. If you love your families, if you love your children, if you love your grandchildren then do the right thing and protect them from this deadly disease, wear a mask and get the shot, because at the end of the day that is all we can do. There are no guarantees in life except that we all live, and we all die. Peace Out!